Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2009

Marvelous Discovery

The other day I came across a new tv-series called 'Sons of Anarchy'. It is about an outlaw motorcycle club, protecting the small town they live in from developers and drug dealers.

It offers so many things I love: motorcycles, tattoos, cool music, lovable bad guys, angsty characters and leather jackets. Ron Perlman and Charlie Hunnam are great in their roles and look quite at home in the saddles of their bikes.

So far there is season 1 with 13 episodes. A second season has been ordered.
More information on the show and the characters can be found on the official homepage: or on Wikipedia:

Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2009

Mittelalterliche Handarbeiten

Am letzten Wochenende fand in Seligenstadt der Zunft- und Handwerkermarkt statt.

Samstag war ich dort und hatte sehr viel Spass. Es gab viel zu sehen, leckere Dinge zu essen und ich habe mich noch mit netten Freunden getroffen.

Hier nur ein paar wenige Fotos von den Handarbeiten. Wer gerne noch mehr erfahren will sollte hier schauen:




.... und die Wolle in ihrem Urzustand.

Schöne Wolle

Letzten Donnerstag hatte ich das Glück Dagmar von kennenzulernen.

Sie hatte natürlich auch jede Menge ihrer Schätze dabei und ich habe mir von ihr ein Farbset für die Thuja-Weste in Doppio Wolle zusammenstellen lassen.

Von den Farben bin ich total begeistert und kann es kaum erwarten, dass meine Anleitung eintrifft, damit ich loslegen kann.

So sieht das Modell aus. In meinem Farbset wird sie bestimmt ganz klasse aussehen.

Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009


The first time I saw him I fell in love with him. I bought the PS3 game on the same day it came out and of course I wanted to knit him.

Luckily Alan Dart designed a wonderful pattern that made it possible.

Isn't this little guy just adorable?

Montag, 27. April 2009

Lovely Leon Lamb

A while ago I saw Fuzzy Mittens lovely lamb pattern and I just knew I had to make one.

So here he is, Leon!

He was made with leftover sockyarn on the magic loop. I think he turned out quite well.

If anyone is interested in making their own, the free pattern can be found here or on Ravelry

Dienstag, 14. April 2009

New Model. Original Parts.

Having been a fan of the Fast & the Furious movies for many years now, especially the first one, I was looking forward to the new edition, but also a bit worried that it might not be any good. Fortunately my worry was for nothing. The movie was great and lots of fun!

Finally Dom (Vin Diesel) and Brian (Paul Walker) were together again in this movie and very true to character. Nice story, lots of action and cool characters.

Dienstag, 7. April 2009


With gorgeous promo shots like these my anticipation for the new Star Trek movie rises.
Release date is May 7th.

Chris Pine (James T. Kirk) and Zachary Quinto (Spock).

Sonntag, 5. April 2009

Beautiful Yarn

I am really thrilled, because Saturday a birthday package arrived and it contained some very beautiful sock yarn.

The blue color is called Heather. For these I will have to pick out a special pattern,
but it will be some time before I start making these socks.

At the moment I am busy with four different knitting projects.

1) a scarf in a pattern called Dragon Skin from a wonderful skein of Noro
2) a pair of lacey socks in variegated light brown, first one is done, second one about half way
3) a sweater for myself in a deep red yarn with little colorfoul specks
4) a baby sweater in Elizabeth Zimmermann's pattern for a knitting friend

Fotos of these projects will be posted upon completion.

I will leave you with an impression of the forsythie in front of my window. Spring!

Freitag, 3. April 2009


There is a great new tv series in my favorite list. It is called CASTLE and is about a bestseller crime novelist who helps the homocide department in NYC to solve crimes. The detective is of course not too thrilled with that, but Castle is something of a star in literary circles with many fans, including the mayor, so she has no choice but to work with him.

So far I've seen the first three episodes and I really enjoyed them. Interesting cases, very likeable characters and easy humor. That the title role is played by good looking Nathan Fillion doesn't hurt either. ;)

There will be 10 episodes in all for this first season, the last one showing on May 11th.

Donnerstag, 19. März 2009

Back home again

Saturday I finally made it back home after a terribly long and uncomfortable flight.

In retrospect I have to say that the trip was wonderful. There were so many new impressions and I've learned so much about Australia. It was great fun!

During my stay I knitted 5 pairs of socks. Here they are, guarded by my lovely echidna, one of several little beanies I bought. Just can't resist a cute face and soft fur ... ;)

Some of the yarn I brought with me and some I bought in Melbourne and Sydney. Both cities have some lovely yarn shops.

In Melbourne we got to me a knitter group. They were very nice and welcoming. Unfortunately we didn't get the chance to meet the Sydney knitters, but I like the idea that you can connect with people all over the world through a shared passion for knitting.

Sonntag, 8. März 2009

The Blue Mountains

In Sydney we rented a car and drove along the Great Western Highway into the Blue Mountains. There we stayed in Katoomba, a little town right near the Three Sisters.
The weather was great, sunshine and cool winds, and the view absolutely fantastic.

To get down the mountain and take a rainforest hike I had to go down by cable car and go up buy the worlds steepest train. But it was worth it.

Now we are back in Sydney for the last 5 days of our Australian adventure.


We spent a whole week in Sydney and had a great time. The city is great and has so many wonderful things to offer. The harbour is a sight to see, the botanical garden is lovely, they have very quaint shopping centers in old Victorian buildings.

I've taken hundreds of pictures and when I get back I will upload the best of the best so everyone who is interested can have a look.

Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009

Great Ocean Road

At the moment we are in Port Campbell on the Great Ocean Road. On my birthday I got to ride along that beautiful piece of country. I will certainly never forget that ...

We saw the 12 Apostles, London Bridge, Loch Ard Gorge and many other gorgeous sites. The weather is great, not so hot and always a nice wind. Tomorrow we are heading back to Melbourne, so we can catch the train for Sydney on Friday morning. They predicted a high of 39 degrees Celsius for that day, so I am glad that I will be sitting in an aircondition train heading for cooler parts of the country.

Samstag, 21. Februar 2009

Greetings from Melbourne

We've been here in Melbourne a week and I am having a great time. It is a bit hot for my taste, about 30 degrees Celsius every day, but luckily our nice hotel does have air conditioning.

The main subject that everyone talks about are of course the bushfires near here, which are the worst that Australia ever had. Luckily we have not been anywhere near there.

Besides seeing many of the sights Melbourne has to offer, we've already taken two daytrips into the surrounding areas.

One to the Grampian Mountains. The hiking there was very strenuous and the flies a real pest, but it is a beautiful place.

Another trip was to the Dandenong Ranges. There we travelled through the bush via an old steam train called "Puffing Billy". Lots of fun!!

Today we will be spending in the little town of St Kilda. It is supposed to have a lovely beach. That will give us a chance to relax a bit. Monday we are leaving to travel the Great Ocean Road.

Of course we also met the Melbourne Knitters. They were a nice and welcoming group of people and we had a good time knitting and chatting.

Unfortunately I have not yet been able to upload any of the photos that we took, so there is no shot of me in my 'lovely' sun hat. ;) Maybe next time!!

Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2009

And I'm off ....

This is my last entry before I start my trip to Australia.
I am so looking forward to it and I am really excited now.

First stop will be Melbourne. We will spend 8 days there to really get to know the city.

Then we are driving down the Great Ocean Road to Port Campbell for a 4-day stay. From our hotel room we will be able to see the 12 Apostles.

From there we are taking the train to Sydney. We will stay several days in the city, but we are also renting a car to explore the surrounding area. Of course we will visit The Koala Park Sanctuary to see and hold the animals close up.

Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2009

The world is changing ...

.... and that is a very good thing!!!

Have a look at this story in two pictures ...

Happy Feet

My 9th pair of socks is finished. The yarn is called Happy Feet and it was fun to knit and feels so soft.
I will be knitting pair no. 10 down under ... :)